Thursday, July 23

Old Collages

i hope this hurts your little ears


April 2008 Retrospective
April 2008 Retrospective (reverse)

Maybe not.

Weird Path


It's just downright imprisoning

Friday, July 10

New words in my life and in the dictionary

I want to blog about the new words added to the dictionary so I don't forget how lovely they are. Many of these words have been apart of my life this year. I'm so glad they made it into the dictionary.

1. Will you be my frenemy?

2. If a locavore and a carnivore got in a fight, who would win? A locavore and an omnivore?

3. Remember that film, Haram? It was very pretty. Good job Mike Doyle!

4. Chad and Lisa tell me I need to try shawarma. Stay tuned to the food blog for more.

5. Sock puppet. Finally!

6. I think the definition for staycation should expand to include, "a vacation you never want to leave from." Then I could describe my life as a staycation.

7. Vlog. Nestor tweeted about this. She's annoyingly cute. It's the first thing that comes to mind when I hear the world vlog. Maybe I'll start doing vlogs one day.

I'm gonna kill in Scrabble now.